At DentalKind we believe in making a great first impression. We welcome you to our practice where you will instantly be put at ease with our facilities and caring team.
Your first appointment will begin by completing a registration document including contact details, dental questionnaire and medical history.
You will then meet your dentist and discuss your concerns, however big or small. If you are interested in cosmetic dentistry you can describe improvements you would like made.
At the end of the appointment, the dentist will give you a full report on your health and discuss all treatment options. Costings and appointment scheduling will be fully discussed and appointments will be planned around your convenience. Where treatment plans are complex the dentist will provide you with a written treatment plan outlining all relevant information clearly.
Our detailed examination includes:
Smile Analysis
Jaw Joint Assessment
Soft Tissue Examination (inc. Oral Cancer Screen)
Assessment of teeth, restorations and gums
3D iTero scan
Bite Assessment
Special Tests (e.g. X-rays)
Clinical Photographs